In the seminar with Jools we followed on from the lecture and discussed "active learning". In the lecture we had discussed in groups what things had made a significant development in our area (multimedia/theater design/design for film & TV). This is a type of active learning.
We then discussed in pair and groups about what types of development activities we did. Development activities being reading; watching; talking; listening; making. The activities that i could come up with were: watching relevant videos on youtube; looking at other people blogs to see how they are progressing; the meal project that was undertaken in our tutorial group; vistiting Double Negative, a visual effects company in London, a few summers ago; making better solutions to old projects; I also like working with the different pieces of software so I become more accustomed to them.
Alot of the activities other people did were very similar to mine; youtube, blogs etc. Some people did little projects of their own that wernt connected to the course, such as flash projects or things for friends.