Friday, 27 May 2011

Finally Finished

Ok so this is where I explain all my decisions for the piece below. Here goes:

I chose Fantastic Voyage because it was basically the one that I had the most ideas for when I watched all the clips. Ive always wanted to into animation like Pixar or visual effects so I thought about that when chosing. One of the first ideas that came into my head was the submarine idea that I ended up using. I also thought about doing it was people but cartoonising them but thought that was too similar to the original so I went with the subs.
I found the production relatively easy. There were a few occasions where I had to seek help, especially with the eyes. I orignally had them using look at constraints however from a distance you could see the eyes were moving and as there isnt much dialogue and not much movement to a submarine it was heavily based on the eyes. I got around it by using the reaction manager with contrainst that let the pupil move to the edges of the eye.
I spent some time trying to design the environment (the blood vessel, the platelets and blood cells) with the intention of simplifying from the real thing but still making it recognisable. The blood cells were pretty easy to make, they are quite a simple shape anyway. the platelets i wanted to look different from anything else to be recognisable but still looking organic. I used the UV mapping to create the texture. The blood vessel itself is a cylinder that I editted the vertex points to make an uneven surface and then used turbo smooth to make it look more natural.
The submarines I wanted to look metal and out of place in the blood vessel. This was easy to do as its a simple material addition however it did slow down the rendering process MASSIVELY. I need to take this into account for future reference as I had to reduce the quality for some shots.
That was one issue I had was the rendering times. I worked out that if I had left all the setting as standard it would have taken about 150 hours to render everything even on my relatively fast computer. i sipmly didnt have the time to do that. Thats over 6 days solid.

We have been asked to think about where this projects lies in comparison to our future ambitions and how we've thought about it during the project.

As I said above I would like to go into visual effects or maybe animation such as Pixar. I think the Pixar link is more obvious in this project as I based the characters on the film Cars (made by Pixar). I liked the way the models are made and I think I used the same sort of style. I also think the modelling shows my link to the visula effects industry, theres lots of modelling involved in VFX and the environments and characters show I have thought about given a bit of realism to teh piece.

All in all I like the way the piece has turned out. I think that while it is obvious I have a few weakness to improve on it also shows my strength and how I have improved on all the projects I have done.

Fantastic Submarine Voyage Final

This is my final piece for the DP3 Fantastic Voyage project. I will discuss it in my next post so for now just enjoy.

Fantastic Submarine Voyage Animatic

This is the animatic for my animation. The original Fantastic Voyage video is only about 2:20 long so ive added shots onto the start and finish.

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Quick update aswell. I have finished my animatic and storyboard. Just need to put it into video form.

I have also done most of my animating now and a bit of the rendering.

Once ive finished ill upload it all and explain everything....

Physalia Studio

This is a studio I found while looking at some videos on youtube.

They are quite a small company but have done work for some big companies such as MTV, Seat and Nokia.

I relaly like their latest offering. The magnet and plastic balls. I think it works really well.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

A bit of a jump

I know I havnt shown all my finished subs. Ive been a bit distracted hence not posting on here. I will update with shots of my subs soon. I have however been playing with 3ds max a bit. Ive got a 3 sec clip just to give me and everyone an idea of what the final piece will look like. The only issue I have with it is that it took 1hr 50mins to render 3secs. Im assuming this is due to lots of glossy/reflective textures and the lights. im gunna have to review that i think otherwise the final render could take upto 100hours to do.